Thursday, January 24, 2013

Star-Spangled Backlash: Did Beyonce Lip-Sync National Anthem ...

After looking at this morning's news headlines, one might have thought Beyoncé was the musical equivalent of Lance Armstrong. The tabloids in New York reported that she lip-synced the national anthem at Barack Obama's inauguration, with the Post

A spokesman contradicted an earlier statement, saying that no one in the Marine Corps Band was in a position to know whether Beyoncé sang the national anthem live or not.

I'm hoping for a flurry of retractions. A Marine spokesperson said yesterday that she couldn't confirm or deny that Beyoncé wasn't lip-syncing, and pretty much every media outlet assumed that was an admission. On NBC Nightly News, Brian Williams said

A source tells Us Weekly that the singer was "advised" to lip-synch the National Anthem for the Inauguration on Monday.

A spokesman contradicted an earlier statement, saying that no one in the Marine Corps Band was in a position to know whether Beyoncé sang the national anthem live or not.


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